Some short news from around the world as Subbuteo fans from several countries continue to play when local rules allow it.
Australia, the club of Sydney TFC was back in action after a long break. Six players were competing. and
Eliot Kennedy managed to defeat Fabrizio Coco on shots after a draw (1-1) in the final. Steve Dettre and Paolo Credentino were the semi-finalists.
Italy, the club of Teramo organized a tournament earlier this week.
Germano Di Corinto managed to win his first tournament. Thanks to Massimiliano Bonomo for organizing the tournament.
South Africa was also in action with a tournament held in Cape Town.
"Great to have a few flicks again! Just 4 stalwarts gathered to have only the second event in Cape Town since the advent of Covid. It did mean that it could be played in a garage, which is always a fun throwback to days of old. Wayne hadn’t played for a while, but was back at his absolute best, winning the round robin event by some margin", commented clinton Gahwiler. Congratulations to
Wayne McKenzie for winning the tournament.
Destefanis and Ellefsen |
Finally, 2 WASPA lockdown test matches were played in Norway. On Saturday, Terje Ellefsen (Kragerø BFK) met Riccardo Destefanis (Subbuteo Oslo). Terje won the test match after winning three individual games. After the games both players had a shoot-out just for fun, Terje won 2-1 but Riccardo had the best goal (always important). :-)
Terje Ellefsen is the current Norwegian Champion and also no. 1 in the Norwegian rankings so he is a tough opponent for Riccardo who is back playing Subbuteo after 30 years away from the subbeatiful game. But Riccardo is learning and improving for every game and he hopes to reach a better level of play soon through playing games and practicing on his excellent training pitch. He also plays against two other Italians who live in Oslo (Alfredo Gianoglio and Alessandro Cataliotti) as well as the very experienced Norwegian Svein Arne Brekke (Skien Wildcats). Destefanis is doing a great job at promoting Subbuteo in Oslo and is hoping to find and recruit even more players in the near future. Please check out Subbuteo Oslo on facebook:
Destefanis and Gianoglio |
On Sunday, Riccardo Destefanis played another test match against clubmate Alfredo Gianoglio. Results were close (0-0, 1-0, 0-0) and Riccardo won the series. We wish a warm welcome to Alfredo in the WASPA circuit.
There should be more results coming up in the next few days so stay tuned!
If you have results of tournaments or test matches to send, don't hesitate to communicate by e-mail to