The players on Friday |
On June 12 to 14, the first edition of the FISTF Major of Rochefort was not only a huge success in the official categories with 180 players and 30 teams taking part. Organizers had also given free time and space for running WASPA events.
Katrin Knezevic won the raffle and received some beers from organizer Titi Giaux |
On Friday night, the game were like an ultimate training session for travellers coming from far away and several German players were taking part besides some Belgians. The games were played in a friendly and positive atmosphere and after the four sessions in Swiss system, Martin Antoine from the local club was the obvious winner with 4 wins.
The event was also about making new friends: Philippe Thys and Melanie Kronmüller |
On Saturday, despite the man on the computer wanted to play the consolation rounds in direct knock-out, there were enough free tables to play in Swiss system. Dude to the large number of players wanting to enter, it was decided to play two groups. In group 1, everything was decided in the last session. While Antonis Vlachopoulos and John Zammit shared points in their game, Benoit Vanwissen defeated Jos Ceulemans to finish on top with 10 points.
In group 2, everything was also decided in the last session. The game between Stelio Tsangouris and Yves Peremans finished with a draw while Olivier Sagit defeated Michele Cerullo to finish on top with more goals scored than Tsangouris.
Decisive game on Friday between Yve Peremans and Martin Antoine |
For the three winners, it was the first time they were grabbing honors in a WASPA event so it was nice to see new players being so happy (and sometimes very surprised) about their wins.
From the WASPA point of view, such events show a fantastic way to collaborate with FISTF and all players taking part were happy to have so many extre games besides the main event.
Presentation of prizes on Saturday - Giaux - Antoine - Vogt - Peremans |
Final table of the Friday event:
1. Martin Antoine (BEL/rts)
2. Rainer Vogt (GER/ber)
3ea. Louison Giaux (BEL/rts)
3ea. Yves Peremans (BEL/fla)
5. Gerhard Grünberg (GER/sch)
6ea. Matthias Averlant (BEL/tpv)
6ea. Vincent Coppenolle (BEL/tpv)
8. Vincent Guyaux (BEL/bor)
9. Mathéo Grégoire (BEL/rts)
10. Justin Thiry (BEL/rts)
11. Melanie Kronmuller (GER/hop)
12ea. Daniela Grünberg (GER/sch)
12ea. Panagiotis Krommydas (GER/hop)
14. Milan Knezevic (SER/cst)
15. Katrin Knezevic (GER/hop)
16. Philippe Thys (BEL/wam)
Benoit Vanwissen - winner of the first event |
Final table of the Saturday event (group 1):
1. Benoit Vanwissen (BEL/ver)
2ea. Antonis Vlachopoulos (GRE/fal)
2ea. John Zammit (MLT/pil)
4. Jean-Michel Cuenca (BEL/ver)
5. Giannis Sioutis (GRE/bor)
6. Kevin Lelubre (BEL/eug)
7. Vincent Coppenolle (BEL/tpv)
8. Spyros Stratoudakis (GRE/flm)
9. Jos Ceulemans (BEL/fla)
10. Sébastien Denne (BEL/eug)
11. Leonidas Koutromanos (GRE/pil)
12. Jean Grosdent (BEL/wam)
13. Damien Urbain (BEL/eug)
14. Jody Henrioul (BEL/eug)
15ea. Frédéric Cyganek (BEL/hen)
15ea. Gerhard Grünberg (GER/sch)
Olivier Sagit from France won the other event on Saturday |
Final table of the Saturday event (group 2):
1. Olivier Sagit (FRA/cae)
2. Stelio Tsangouris (BEL/eug)
3. Ahmed Choukri (BEL/cha)
4. Richard Boulanger (BEL/ser)
5. Yves Peremans (BEL/fla)
6. Antonio Timpano (BEL/ser)
7. Frank Lannoy (BEL/tem)
8. Michele Cerullo (GER/ber)
9. Geert Leys (BEL/fla)
10ea. Bodo Reckzeh (GER/ber)
10ea. Milan Knezevic (SER/cst)
12. Rainer Vogt (GER/ber)
13. André Boltz (BEL/hen)
14. Matthias Averlant (BEL/tpv)
15. Corentin Boltz (BEL/hen)
16. Laurent Ausset (FRA/chp)
17. Laurent Calonne (BEL/hen)
18. Eric Lienhardt (FRA/iss)
19. Philippe Thys (BEL/wam)
20. Loris Léonard (BEL/rts)
21. Léa Despretz (BEL/hen)