Thursday 16 May 2024

Brilliant days for the future of the game in Norway

The final
We are very happy to see young players having great Subbuteo games in Norway. Thanks to Terje Ellefsen, kids learn how to play and 8 of the players recently played a "Champion's League" in Terje's school in Oslo as part of an afterschool program.

This week the final of the tournament was played with "Palermo" defeating "Start IK" (2-0) in the final.

The anthem of the Champion's League was played before the final and about ten other kids and some adults watched the game.

Terje Ellefsen (left) against Italy's Andrea Di Vincenzo in Paris earlier in 2024

Of course it was only a friendly tournament are laws in Norway make there are no competitive events till the age of 12, in particular as the tournament is played in a school, and children are encouraged not to specialise. Terje Ellefsen, who is very motivated to teach the games to newcomers. So far about 150 kids aged 8 to 10 have tried Subbuteo in the last 2 years so there are good hopes for the future, in particuler since about 25% of the young players are girls (and one girl played the final of the "Champion's League" tournament). This is for sure one of the largest recruitment projects in Europe and WASPA will for sure support Terje's work in the future as it's done in the "WASPA spirit".

Thanks also to NBFF president Thomas Flaaten Fredriksen who has been very supportive about the project.

Keep up the excellent work Terje!

PS: any person wanting to support the project or to play Subbuteo in Oslo can contact Terje Ellefsen at

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