Sunday 10 February 2013

15 goals in the final in Templeuve

The final was an international game between figures of Belgium (Geoffrey Marain) and Australia (Vincent Coppenolle)

Geoffrey Marain vs Stéphane Lambert

Geoffrey Marain is still on fire!
We had a small turnout of 4 today for the Templeuve tournament as some players had flu, some others couldn't travel because of the snow (for some of them there was the risk to have very bad weather on the road so they didn't take the risk) and a few people had to work. It was good fun though with everyone playing five games. Geoffrey marain won as always but tied in his first game against renald Deloose (1-1). The most amazing final ever in a WASPA tournament had 15 goals (!!!) with Marain beating Vincent Coppenolle on sudden death (8-7). There was a lot of fun but hopefully we'll have a larger turnout next time.

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