Dear all, here are the new WASPA records as per September 2020.
Season 20-21(results file)
Ranking file
We have started a new season and we are aware it's really complicated to have fair rankings and standings but it's important to keep the circuit running as it's a sign of hope for the players/clubs/organizers who are waiting for better days.
Players at the Stanway Rovers tournament in England
Even if it's a complicated period, we have had tournaments in South Africa, Greece, Italy, Singapore, the US, the Netherlands, Canada, Germany, Wales, Scotland, Australia and England in September. Thanks to the organizers for making this happen!
The WASPA circuit is back at the Jurong club in Singapore
Rankings are changing a lot. Brian Daley is still number 1 in the overall ranking but the season leader is Alan Lee from England. Alan has done a great job to motivate clubs to organize tournaments in England and hopefully there will be a strong future for the game in England and in the UK in general even if there are restrictions nowadays, which means there will be less tournaments in October.
Players in Brisbane, Australia
Evangelos Kotrotsos from Greece is the new junior number 1. Please note this season juniors are players born in 2004 or later. If you don't see the names of some of your young players in the ranking, don't hesitate to drop me a line. i just need the correct birthdates to include more players.
The rankings of nations are also changing as Belgium has not organized any tournament for 7 months now due to the covid restrictions. Greece is the new leader in the ranking by places while England is the leader in the ranking by points.
Young players in Johannesburg, South Africa
The rankings of clubs start from scratch in the beginning of the season. In the "top clubs" sections, the Roligans (Greece) are the first leaders but London Road Subbuteo Club and the Flaming Flickers SC are very close. Only 11 clubs have scored points in September so there will be a strong evolution in the next few months. In the WASPA Development League, 14 of the 37 involved clubs have score points. Worthing Fivestar from England is the surprising first leader but Johannesburg TFC and Cardiff TFC are also very close. London Road Subbuteo Club is still the solid leader in the Junior ranking.
Important notice: there is no new handbook for this season yet but there will be a new file soon. I would like to create a discussion group to see how the handbook can be improved. Your ideas are welcome and if you want to be part of the discussion group, just let me know.
We remain at your disposal for any information regarding the circuit. Your ideas to improve the WASPA circuit are also more than welcome.
Action in the premises of Subbuteo Sankt Pauli in Germany
Well, that's all for now. Please remember you only need 3 players to register your tournament. Don't be scared to join. It's free and tournament requests can be sent by e-mail to
Keep an eye on the WASPA blog at as there are updates almost every day.
Please invite your friends to join our Facebook group at
We also have a WASPA page here:
Keep in mind WASPA is also looking for partners. If you know any company ready to support us (we don’t ask for money but we want some win-win agreements so that we can promote each other), don't hesitate to contact me at or
Have a great week and a great new season.
Vincent Coppenolle