Eight competing players and one senior 'looker on' (to help out with any rule confusion, thank you Rob) showed up at Woody Point on a beautiful morning in paradise. We decided to change the format a bit, with 2 seeded groups of 4 playing a round robin, with the top 2 from each going into a Premier round robin, and the bottom four into a Championship league.

Group B saw Giuseppe, Rik, Shane and Wil fight it out, and this group was a lot closer. The top two, Rik and Giuseppe who fought out a 0-0 draw finished with 5 points each, Wil getting a very credible 2-2 draw with Rik, and Shane doing well to keep Giuseppe to 1-1.
So the Championship group featured Shane, Gareth, Wil and James. Shane topped the group by a point over Wil & Gareth, Wil having a better goal difference over Gareth claimed second spot. James in his first competition manged 2 draws and scoring three, a great start. Shane will look to keep on improving and will soon be challenging the power houses.
The Premiership was not so close. One player strode away with the title, and had actually secured it with a game to go. Andrew B finished the day with a 100% record and amassing 26 goals whislt conceding 6. Giuseppe got closest only losing 3-2, whilst Gus suffered another 5-1 (after getting back to 1-1 and pressing before Andrew changed gear) and Rik suffered a 4-1 defeat. Andrew's 4 month absence had obviously improved his appetite, and we suspect he was practicing 4 hours a day !!! The other games in the Premiership were all very tight affairs, Gus drew with Rik and Giuseppe, whilst last months winner lost in his last game to Rik to finish 4th.

A big well done to all the players who survived 6 full games in the heat, another brilliant job by our great host Giuseppe and a big congratulations to Andrew B who was just unstoppable.
Should also thank Wil and James for bringing the average age way down (and some bewilderment, as everyone sought a seat and rest between games whilst Wil and James chased each other around with boundless energy..... wish we could share it !).
(Report by Giuseppe Tardiota)