Friday 13 September 2024

Pictures of our WASPA season champions!

The WASPA season 2023-2024 ended on August 31. We sent the "certificates" to the different leaders of the WASPA tables to congratulate them for the great achievements. Thanks to them for sending pictures with their little gift.

Kevin Cordell (England/Stanway Rovers), WASPA number 1 in the rolling ranking
The Stanway Rovers also won the WASPA Development League

Ian Aggett (England/Milton Keynes), winner of the season ranking

Connor Gregory (England/Solent), number 1 in the junior ranking.
Solent is also the winner of the "Top Clubs" section.

Milton Keynes TSC players with their certificate of Conference League champions

In Italy, the Rebels Genova put their certificate of number 1 junior team in their premises.

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