
Friday, 7 December 2018

WASPA monthly report of November 2018

Dear all, please find enclosed the WASPA rankings and updated records of November 2018.

Excel file with the rankings
PDF file with the results

We have had results from 37 tournaments played in many different countries. There were 34 regional events, 2 promotional tournaments and a National Cup in South Africa where representatives from the three local clubs had the chance to meet a player from Portugal.
A good National cup in Pretoria, South Africa
Central Sporting Club 18 (Northern Ireland) and Magic Team Tournai (Belgium) have organized their first WASPA events, which is great. Both Australia and Belgium have been very active with 6 regional events in the records. We are very happy to see some great events in Greece, some activity in the US and Canada, the great events in Northern Ireland, Singapore, Wales, Ireland, England and some activity in Austria. We are very happy to see Cyprus back in action.

The "Flaming Flickers" club (Greece) is the leader of the "top clubs ranking" while the Western Flickers TFC (Australia) is currently the number 1 junior club.
Good turnout for the events in Greece
If some juniors (born in 2002) don't appear in the ranking, it means we don't have their birthdates so please send your feedback.

About the WASPA world cup: we have no candidate to take over after FISTF put their European tournament on the date we had booked. If any of you is ready to organize the tournament, let me know. Otherwise there might be a "special" event again in Belgium on the first week-end of July.

We stay at your disposal for any info regarding the circuit or for ideas on how to improve things!
Please don't forget to send all results of your events (possibly with pictures and a short story for the blog) to my home address at
Visit of Cezar Stoilescu in Belgium
Well, that's all for now. Please remember you only need 3 players to register your tournament. Don't be scared to join. It's free and tournament requests can be sent by e-mail to

Keep an eye on the WASPA blog at as there are updates almost every day.
Cyprus is back in the WASPA circuit
Please invite your friends to join our Facebook group at
We also have a WASPA page here:

Keep in mind WASPA is also looking for partners. If you know any company ready to support us (we don’t ask for money but we want some win-win agreements so that we can promote each other), don't hesitate to contact me at
Action in Virginia, USA
Ideas to develop the WASPA circuit, to get new clubs/nations involved or to make things more attractive are always welcome. We stay at your disposal for more info.

Yours sincerely,
Vincent Coppenolle

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