
Thursday, 4 October 2018

WASPA report of September 2018

Dear all,
please find attached the new updates of the WASPA rankings.

Excel file (rankings and stats)
PDF file (season results)

September means we are starting a new season with new records and renewed rankings.

Players in Attard, Malta
Our ambitions for the new season are:
- to have a great "WASPA world cup" again and we hope to have condidatures by the end of October;
- to keep growing;
- to have more nations involved;
- to have more "top clubs"
- to have more juniors in the rankings and therefore more juniors clubs;
- to have more presence in the FISTF tournaments as consolation events or as separate tournaments so that players travelling to FISTF events have more games.

September was a good month. We added some late records of the Stoke tournament (old rules) while the Pireas tournament will be added next month.

Gathering between Dutch and Australian players in Groningen
There are no many changes in the rankings but it's great to see Mauro Camilleri from Malta being the first leader of the season ranking.

The Junior ranking is now for players born in 2002 or later so you can see some changes in the top 5 but England's Kye Arnold is still the solid leader. We are glad to add the club of Cape Town (South Africa) in the Junior ranking of clubs. Australia's Northern Falcons TFC is the first leader of the season in the "top clubs" ranking.

September was a good month with 30 events in the records. We really hope this season will continue to bring joy in your respective clubs!

Parramatta tournament in Australia
We stay at your disposal for any info regarding the circuit or for ideas on how to improve things!

Please don't forget to send all results of your events (possibly with pictures and a short story for the blog) to my home address at

Well, that's all for now. Please remember you only need 3 players to register your tournament. Don't be scared to join. It's free and tournament requests can be sent by e-mail to

Keep an eye on the WASPA blog at as there are updates almost every day.

Big turnout in Wales
Please invite your friends to join our Facebook group at
We also have a WASPA page here:

Keep in mind WASPA is also looking for partners. If you know any company ready to support us (we don’t ask for money but we want some win-win agreements so that we can promote each other), don't hesitate to contact me at

Marcos Kapsabelis is a new player for the Flaming Flickers and he won the first tournament of the season
Ideas to develop the WASPA circuit, to get new clubs/nations involved or to make things more attractive are always welcome. We stay at your disposal for more info.

Yours sincerely,
Vincent Coppenolle

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