
Thursday, 6 April 2017

Monthly report of March 2017

Dear Subbuteo players and fans, here are the updated WASPA rankings and statistics.

Excel file
PDF file (golden book)

You will find in the Excel file the different rankings and the main statistics.

Good turnout for the Melbourne TFC tournament
March 2017 has been a good month as several events have been played under WASPA banner:
- the Swiss cup;
- 24 regional tournaments;
- 1 tournament with the old rules;
- several gathering of the NETFA Brigantes circuit;
- 1 WASPA test-match (between Paul O'Donovan Rossa and myself).

33 players have competed for the very first time in a WASPA tournament.

The first event in Argentina
We are also very pleased to see 2 more nations in the circuit: Welcome Argentina and Slovenia!

2 clubs have run their very first WASPA tournament: thanks to the club of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Trieste (Italy) for their support.

Australia had another amazing month with 5 tournaments run by 5 different clubs.

The club of Firenze (Italy) had 2 amazing tournaments with 14 and 21 players!

Action in Wales
We are very pleased to see that clubs in Derry (Northern Ireland) and Drury (Wales) manage to boost interest in nations were the level of activity was low in the last few years.

Greece is now the most active nation in the WASPA circuit organizing tournaments with the old rules. Hopefully we will get back interest from italy and possibly from other nations?

16 clubs have joined the "top clubs project" but several clubs (Famagusta TFC, SC Flanders, Attard SC, Harrow Hawks, Brisbane SC, Club Subbuteo Firenze, London Road SC, Pireaus Lions TSC, Derry City TFC, Kebun Baru SC, ...) have made enough efforts to join in the near future. We would be pleased to get them involved.

Champion's league tournament in greece with 32 players
Well, that's all for now. I hope you will love the statistics, results and rankings.

Please remember you only need 3 players to register your tournament. Don't be scared to join. It's free and tournament requests can be sent by e-mail to

Keep an eye on the WASPA blog at as there are updates almost every day.
The FISTF website can be found here:

WASPA is also looking for partners. If you know any company ready to support us (we don’t ask for money but we want some win-win agreements so that we can promote each other), don't hesitate to contact me at

Trieste is now part of the WASPA circuit
Ideas to develop the WASPA circuit or to make things more attractive are always welcome. We stay at your disposal for more info.

Yours sincerely,
Vincent Coppenolle (

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