
Tuesday, 5 December 2023

WASPA rankings of November 2023

Dear all, you will find in the attached files the WASPA rankings, results and statistics after the 37 tournaments add in the records last month.

PDF file with results

Excel file with rankings and statistics

Great turnout of 26 in Spain

Before we comment about tournament, let me remind your help is needed for several things:

- we are not sure every player has the right club in the database. If you see mistakes, please drop a line!

- we think many "juniors" (born in 2007 or later) are not in the rankings because we don't have the birthdates. If you see missing players in the junior ranking, contact me.

- we are still looking for national delegates ready to promote the WASPA circuit in their country. Right now we see some great work done in several countries but it's not the case in many other nations. We try to find people who can be the link between local organizers and WASPA in order to develop local and regional events, in particular in nations where there are currently not many WASPA tournaments. Are you interested to help?

- Stories are always welcome for the WASPA blog. Some players sometimes wonder why their tournaments are not reported on the blog but it's just because we don't get stories and pictures. Your help is more than welcome!

39 players attended the Roligans tournament in Greece

Top news from November 2023:

- We had Scotland back in action. Thanks to Andrea Andreoni, there was a first (promotional) tournament in Glasgow and we hope to see many more in the future.

- It's great we had a tournament in Florida as Tampa Bay TSC is back in action. It was the first WASPA tournament of the season in the US and we hope to see more clubs in North America hosting WASPA tournaments.

- In Italy the club of Fienze was also back after a long break. It's good to have Marco Bonciani's club in the circuit!

Old rules tournament in London

- There were several tournaments in Sydney, Brisbane, Perth and Melbourne, proving Australia remains one of the most active nations in the WASPA circuit!

- England remains an amazing Subbuteo nation with some great events run by Yorkshire Phoenix and Dewsbury Moor TFC, Chesterfield, Chasers, Bristol, Haverhill, Leicester, Stanwy, London SC,...

- Switzerland had 2 tournaments run under theWASPA banner, which proves the game is alive in the country!

Anniversary Cup in Derry, Northern Ireland
- the largest tournament of the month was held in Greece and attracted 39 players (!). Thanks to the Roligans for an amazing event!

Action in Johannesburg
- South Africa had the visit of Germany's Sven Schilling and that was a good reason to run a WASPA tournament in Johannesburg!

- Ireland and Northern Ireland have regular WASPA meets and it's good to see old and new faces during great Subbuteo meets!

- In Spain the "Circuit Catala" had another WASPA event with 26 players and another prestigious name as winner: Ferran Coll won the final again Alex Araujo!

Hipfingerz tournament in Sydney, Australia

We stay at your disposal for any question regarding the WASPA circuit.

Please remember you only need 3 players to register your tournament. Don't be scared to join. It's free and tournament requests can be sent by e-mail to

Keep an eye on the WASPA blog at as there are updates almost every day.

Please invite your friends to join our Facebook group at

We also have a WASPA page here:

Keep in mind WASPA is also looking for new partners. If you know any company ready to support us (we don’t ask for money but we want some win-win agreements so that we can promote each other), don't hesitate to contact me at

Thanks for reading and have a great day!

Vincent Coppenolle, WASPA organizer

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