
Monday, 6 November 2023

October WASPA rankings are out!

Once again October has been an amazing month for the WASPA circuit has we collected results from 33 regional tournaments, 6 old rules tournaments, 2 promotional events and 1 tournament played with special rules.

A great field of players in Derry, Northern Ireland

Excel file (rankings)

PDF file (results)

England was once again the most active nations with tournaments organized by many different clubs but many other nations have been involved as we had tournaments organized in Italy, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Belgium, Wales, Australia, South Africa, Greece, Spain and the Netherlands. Since the beginning of the season, 336 different players have already attended WASPA events, which is brilliant.

Belgian and French players having a good time in Templeuve

Jason Christopher is still on top of the individual ranking but it's amazing to see England has six players in te top 6. Kevin Cordell is the current leader of the season ranking and Italy's Samuele Bignardi is the undisputed leader of the junior table. Of course England is on top of the rankings of nations but many of our players focus now on the different rankings of clubs. Solent Subbuteo Club is the leader of the "top clubs" section while the Stanway Rovers Flickers SC are the leaders of the Development League.

Historic visit of Ireland's John Moore in Sydney

It's good also to see the third section growing. Last month only 5 clubs had scored points in the "Conference League" and we now have 12 ranked clubs. The Italians of "Rebels Genova" and the leaders of the table. We really hope to see many new clubs joining the Conference League during the season.

As about this month, we were pleased to see big turnouts in Barcelona (Spain) but also in Flitwick (during the FISTF week-end) and the amazing Chasers Open played by 38 players. Derry, Andover, Templeuve, Leicester, Solent, Stanway and the Flaming Flickers in Greece also had tournaments with 10+ players.

Kids in action in Genova, Italy

You will find in the attached files the results and rankings.

We stay at your disposal for any question regarding the WASPA circuit.

Well, that's all for now. Please remember you only need 3 players to register your tournament. Don't be scared to join. It's free and tournament requests can be sent by e-mail to

Old rules tournament in Greece

Keep an eye on the WASPA blog at as there are updates almost every day.

Please invite your friends to join our Facebook group at

We also have a WASPA page here:

Keep in mind WASPA is also looking for new partners. If you know any company ready to support us (we don’t ask for money but we want some win-win agreements so that we can promote each other), don't hesitate to contact me at

Thanks for reading and have a great day!

Vincent Coppenolle, WASPA organizer

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