
Friday, 8 April 2022

WASPA standings at the end of March 2022

Dear Subbuteo table football friends, you will find here the updated WASPA rankings and results.

Excel file (rankings)

PDF file (results)

Players at the Ballymena tournament in Northern Ireland

First of all my sincere apologies for those who didn't understand our joke on April 1. Unfortunately the top clubs in the WASPA rankings will not qualify for the FISTF' Champions League. Some thought it could be true but sorry, this was supposed to be funny... ;-)

Anyway, all your ideas to make our circuit more attractive are welcome. The feedback from players is always much appreciated!

The Republic of Ireland is back!

Well, March was another busy month with more and more events played under WASPA banner:

- 29 regional tournaments;

- 4 promotional events;

- 1 tournament with the old rules;

- 1 test-match.

We have seen many events in different countries and we are glad to have "Andover Subbuteo Club" (England) among the new organizers.

Easterns TFC tournament in Johannesburg, South Africa
Amont the highlights of the moths, we can say:

- Wolverhampton (England) had a great event with 18 players;

- Singapore was back with 2 events;

- the Templeuve night (Belgium) had a great turnout of 14 players;

- the East of Belgium is in a revival with events in Huy, Stembert and Verviers.

- Northern Ireland had 3 events in 3 different cities;

- The Republic of Ireland is back and more importantly they have some juniors. It's fantastic to see the "Irish Premier League" club in the ranking of juniors!

- We are happy to see 2 events held in the East Coast of the US (Maryland and Virginia);

- our usual clubs in England, Wales and Australia keep running regular events;

- Jos Ceulemans ended David Wouters's winning Streak in the Flanders;

- Prague in Czech Republic has a great group of players from different nationalities.

All your ideas to make the WASPA circuit more attractive are more than welcome. Don't hesitate to send your feedback. We also hope to see more and more clubs running events under WASPA banner in the future.

A great youth program in Genova

We also take to opportunity to thank our partners:

- Victory kits at

- Flicks for Kicks at


Players at the Wolverhampton tournament
Well, that's all for now. Please remember you only need 3 players to register your tournament. Don't be scared to join. It's free and tournament requests can be sent by e-mail to

Please invite your friends to join our Facebook group at

We also have a WASPA page here:

Keep in mind WASPA is also looking for new partners. If you know any company ready to support us (we don’t ask for money but we want some win-win agreements so that we can promote each  other), don't hesitate to contact me at or

Thanks for reading and have a great day!

Vincent Coppenolle, WASPA organizer

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