
Friday, 5 November 2021

WASPA rankings of October 2021

Dear friends, after a very busy month of October, you will find in the attached files the updated WASPA rankings.

EXCEL file with the rankings and statistics

PDF Files with the updated results

24 players attended the Euro 21 tournament in Greece

It seems like things are going in the right direction and we are pleased to see many countries playing Subbuteo events under WASPA banner.

The leaders of the rankings are now:

- Alan Lee (individual ranking)

- Brian Daley (season ranking)

- Ruby Matthews (junior ranking)

- England (nations)

- London Road Subbuteo Club (top clubs section)

- SC Terni 2014 (Development league)

- London Road Subbuteo Club (junior clubs section)

The Northern Falcons in Australia are back in action

October was a great month with 24 regional tournaments but also 7 tournaments played with the old rules in Terni (the local club already held 8 of their 12 tournaments for this season!) and 3 promotional events.

2 promotional events in Italy included Juniors only, which is fantastic. Huge thanks to the "Rebels Genova" for this great achievement.

As for the regional events, we can congratulate:

- SC Flanders for being back in action;

- Dutch players for hosting 2 more events;

- London Road SC for having a WASPA tournament during their FISTF Open;

- Australia for having tournaments in 4 different clubs;

- new clubs in England: North East Midlands, Durham City and the latest club of Sports Vale TFC (first event played earlier in November);

- clubs of Warcoing, Liverpool, Huy, East Lancashire, Derry, Firenze, Templeuve for good turnouts at their events;

- South Africa for putting Africa on the Subbuteo map;

- SC Berlin for making a great come-back!

- Greek clubs for fantastic events in Kallithea. Special thanks to Panos Panagiotides for that!

Action in Johannesburg, South Africa

All your ideas to make the WASPA circuit more attractive are more than welcome. Don't hesitate to send your feedback. We also hope to see more and more clubs running events under WASPA banner in the future.

We also take to opportunity to thank our partners:

- Victory kits at

- Flicks for Kicks at


Visit of Sébastien Scheen and Stéphanie Garnier in the premises of Templeuve United

Well, that's all for now. Please remember you only need 3 players to register your tournament. Don't be scared to join. It's free and tournament requests can be sent by e-mail to

Keep an eye on the WASPA blog at as there are updates almost every day.

Please invite your friends to join our Facebook group at

We also have a WASPA page here:

Rudi Peterschinigg winner in Wrexham

Keep in mind WASPA is also looking for new partners. If you know any company ready to support us (we don’t ask for money but we want some win-win agreements so that we can promote each  other), don't hesitate to contact me at or

Have a great week.

Vincent Coppenolle, WASPA organizer

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