
Sunday, 26 September 2021

Three small events in Singapore

Due to the lockdown, events with five players or more are still not possible in Singapore. Anyway, local players continue to practice and three small events have been held in September.

On September 12, Sports Hub Library hosted 3 players, Tan Kok Wee, Rizal Taib & Vikas. Games were played in a 2 legged format & end of games, Tan Kok Wee came on top.

1. Tan Kok Wee (Singapore Lions)
2. Vikas K. Chandiramani (Jurong)
3. Mohd Rizal Taib (Jurong)

On September 18, Dragons SC had a mini 3 players round robin game. Rudy narrowly edged Michael & Nic to win the outing.

1. Rudy Hesty Roselan (Jurong)
2. Michael Choong (Hong Kong Dragons)
3. Nic Tan (Hong Kong Dragons)

Finally, on September 19, Lions SC managed to secure venue where they set up a mini WASPA. Great to see Ashley Tan back joining the regulars where players enjoyed playing 6 close score games. End of the day, Tan Kok Wee came up tops followed by Ashley, Vikas & Rizal. 

1. Tan Kok Wee (Singapore Lions)
2. Ashley Tan (Singapore Lions)
3. Vikas K. Chandiramani (Jurong)
4. Mohd Rizal Taib (Jurong)

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