
Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Elliot Bellefontaine on top of the Harrow league

Elliott, on the right, during a game at the recent world cup in Belgium
Round one of the Harrow league took place the 21st of September. 8 players were present and were dropped in two groups so that everyone played five games. Elliot Bellefontaine defeated Paolo Barone in the final on shots to claim the win. Rudi Peterschinigg won the game for the third place against Panos Stemitsiotis. The final standings were as follows:
1. Elliot Bellefontaine (ENG/leu)
2. Paolo Barone (ITA/laz)
3. Rudi Peterschinigg (ITA/har)
4. Panos Stemitsiotis (ENG/har)
5. Marco Ghigliotti (ENG/leu)
6. Victor Jones (ENG/har)
7. Kevin Walker (ENG/har)
8. Neil Doherty (ENG/-)

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