
Sunday, 30 November 2014

The first tournament in Hungary for Gábor Baross

The seven players
This sunday the group of players in Budapest organized the first WASPA tournament in Hungary. Six hungarian and one serbian players played and the tournament was very exciting.

A very nice venue
In the end of the day, everybody played six games and the final ranking of the "WASPA Sante Claus Cup" was as follows:
1. Gábor Baross
2. Róbert Zsigri
3. Milan Knezevic
4. Zoltán Baross
5. Adrián Száki
6. Csaba Laska
7. Bence Dolmányos
The podium: Róbert Zsigri, Gábor Baross, Milan Knezevic
Here is the link of the hungarian blog, where you can find some photos and the full results of our tournament:

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