
Friday, 2 August 2013

Monthly report of July 2013

You can download the monthly report file here:

Here is the monthly report of the WASPA circuit.

1) Statistics 

July 2013 was supposed to be a calm period due to the holidays but there were many events:
- 19 regional tournaments
- 2 tournaments with the old rules
- 1 promotional tournament (for the first time in italy)
- 1 tournament with the advanced rules (played in Ireland)
57 new players have been added in the rankings and we have now a total of 823 players ranked!

2) What happened this month?

For the first time Canada is on top of the ranking of nations, which is a good reward for the great efforts to relaunch the game in the country in the last 12 months.
Due to the summer and some special circumstances, some clubs asked to have 2 events in July. This was possible because they had no tournament in June or they will have no tournament in August.
We were glad to see the second tournament in Finland and also the double event in Ireland. The advanced rules brought very good things as there were many close games and some surprises in the results.
We wish a warm welcome to the Maltese club of Bormla. After the great efforts done by Attard Subbuteo Club, it is good to see another club in the island organizing a WASPA tournament.
Well done the the Pretoria Flickers for promoting the game in South Africa.
WASPA was also very honored to have the first tournament in South Carolina (USA) played under their banner.
Congratulations to the Italian club of Bari for organizing their first 2 events with a good turnout of players.
Finally, we would like to thank all organizers for helping WASPA to grow and for putting energy to host tournaments. Even when there are notmany players, there can be many good games and many players can be introduced to the game.

3) Useful links

Here are a few links to check when you have time:
the WASPA blog: 
the WASPA map: 
the WASPA Facebook group:!/groups/127530464069377/?fref=ts 
the WASPA Facebook page: 
the independant table football forum: 

To add tournaments or to send results, please use this e-mail address:

4) Help needed for interviews

For the future, we will try to have more interviews on the blog. If you are interested to be interviewed or if you want to interview one of your friends, you cans end a picture to and answer the following 5 questions:
- can you introduce yourself as a player? When did you start playing?
- why do you like subbuteo table football?
- what are your greatest achivements in the game?
- If you had to improve something in table football tournaments, what would it be?
- What are your thoughts about WASPA? Why do you like (or dislike) it?

5) WASPA is waiting your feedback

Any idea on how to improve WASPA is more than welcome. A new season is going to start and we are looking for ideas to get more players involved, more nations taking part and more clubs organizing events. Your ideas to improve things can be sent by e-mail to 

6) If some of your friends want to receive the monthly report by e-mail, they can drop a line to to be added in the mailing list

Have a great month!

Vincent Coppenolle

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